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Let's go to Hell

Hey!  Today I have an invitation, for all of you.  You who don't face the bullets. But debate over them.

I have invitation for all the engineers - chemical,  mechanical,  aeronautical- every branch.  Doesn't matter if you're from IIT Or not.  Any college will do.

My invitation is to the statesmen.  Ah!  You awesome speakers!  You,  the magicians of oratory.  What a spell you throw with your words that even the bravest of men get ready to lay their lives for cowards like you.

Oh!  Oh!  And Oh!  Last but not the least.  I think you don't even need my invitation.  You're gonna be there anyway.  You who sit in the temples, mosques and churches.  You who study God's doctrines and interpret them according to your interest. You guys are definitely coming with me.  Won't you ?

What do you say?  Where am I inviting you to?  It's an invitation to hell.
Come hurry,  let's all get together and start our journey.  Or have we started already.
Because heaven will be filled with heroes who die fighting for a cause, just as every book of God describes.

My army man died for my motherland,  so he'll go to heaven.
My terrorist or enemy was somebody's soldier.  So he was fighting for his cause. He also shouted God's name louder while breathing his last breath.  So,  he'll go to his heaven too.

So,  who'll go to hell?  Of course,  it's me and you; who celebrate war or if I put it more bluntly- celebrate deaths.

Celebrate deaths ??? Wow!!!
Hell awaits fellas,  Hell awaits !
We'll sit in front of the T.V with coffee mugs & rejoice in the name of patriotism.
We are no longer kind,  just patriotic.

We'll develop the war machines.  But the engineer who develops it and the capitalist who funds the manufacturing of these battle axes will never use it.  Some poor fellow who doesn't even get 10% of the income of the engineer or 0.1% of the income of the capitalist will be sent to use that war machine in the field.  How fair  !?

Statesmen,  you'll shake hands behind the walls,  eat till your tummies full at each other's festivities,  but roar on the stage and direct these men in uniform to go and fight for you.
Do you deserve that ?

Religious preachers,  you had one job till the emergence of religion and that was to maintain peace in the world.  And you have miserably failed at that task.  All we have ever seen from your advent is holy crusades and wars being carried out in the name of your preachings.  You promise Heaven and all the pleasure of heaven to people who kill for your faith.  Let me promise you something.  HELL !   You will be there before anyone else.

Hell is waiting for us.  Heaven can't have us.
It's just not a place for us.  It can never be.

I'll accompany you too. Afterall I'll be one among you too.  I am no prophet who'll stand out.
Maybe I'll make an effort. Maybe this blog is an effort,  to save myself,  to save you.
But what would I do alone in Heaven even if I get there.  I need some company,  will you give me some?



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