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Showing posts from May, 2017

The FAITHful Affair

Faith moves the Mountains . But , moving a mountain will be a crime . And a lot of crime is do happening in the name of faith these days . One is always apprehensive while talking about faith(or religion). There is always a fear of being 'mistaken'. But when I saw bombings now happening in one of the most peaceful region of the world(Manchester city), I can't stop myself from writing over it. So, all those over-sensitive people who can't stand critical remarks on their faiths or religion; either stay away & don't read any further or keep a 'Burnol' with you coz I'll make sure my words give enough burns on your asses. But Alas... they still won't burn you as much as you have burnt this world & humanity . Without naming any Community or religion at first place, I'm gonna comment on certain beliefs. Because, different people give different definitions of religion. Lets get started, 1)