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Showing posts from 2021

Do this before you die

  What are the things you’d like to look back at when it’s the last day of your life and you are on death bed? You might wonder why am I asking such depressing questions. But I think sometimes its easier to figure out important things in our life when we acknowledge and remind ourselves that we don’t have infinite time here on earth as a living being of substance and soul. Maybe when we have this realization that there is limited time, we will focus on the things that really matter and avoid the frivolous. This could serve as an inherent motivation for us to do things with full devotion as we realize that we don’t actually have any time to kill or waste or throw away just sitting idle. If you really want to experience life before death you will be fully engaged and involved in the each and every experience of life that really matters to you. Now this postulate can also be used in reverse, for e.g. If you want to know whether you really want something or is some life experience really i

Brown Man's burden

When the world was fighting with a pandemic like Covid19 , the white man didn't take up the burden any more to provide with an ointment to the ones they claim to have civilized. Well, civilized and left to die . White man did develop a vaccine but it was of the cost unbearable to the third world inhabitants. See I am using your (white man's) terms to designate ourselves. Not very long ago, you were here to humanize the 'savage' , to spiritualize the immoral  , to organize the unorderly  and to make a man of the 'half child half evil' .  All you took in return from us was just 3-4 million lives and some $45 trillion in today's worth. But that's okay, after all you gave us democracy and the train and yes our very favourite tea (this I genuinely thank you for). We spent a good time sipping tea together. Did we ? You might, but did I ?  But a tea that costed $45 trillion ! ! ! Quite an expensive tea date it was. Anyway with no hard feelings, we relieved y