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Showing posts from June, 2017

An open letter by A Hooker

To The People of the world, Sub: Some things I(a hooker) want you to listen & understand. Dear you, Yeah, you read that right. I am a hooker or a prostitute or a Vaishya or a Randi. You have a lot of names for me and honestly I am not complaining. This is my profession, and I am not ashamed of what I do. No fucks given! But there is this little thing I wanna tell you all and that is "FUCK YOU". I am a human too. Stop treating me like some stray dog, and stop looking down at me. You think just because you have a business or do a 9-5 job, that gives you the right to belittle us and make fun of hookers? "Hooker" is not an abuse, it's our bread and butter. Stop using "hooker" just to sound cool. Why must you think we can't be raped? Do we not have a right to deny? Can we not be forced by someone? Even our "NO" has meaning. Just because we sell our bodies does not mean we can't be raped. Yes I am raped