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Showing posts from July, 2017

Tolerant India...

There is huge debate in the market these days. Intolerance;  A tag people are busy accusing each other for carrying. And everyone seems badly offended getting tagged to this word. I don’t understand one thing…WHY? First of all we have to understand what this all buzz about tolerance & intolerance is. Tolerance means acceptance of something that you don’t like. Intolerance means the opposite. Majorly this word is used with political & religious issues. People of different political & religious alignment accuse each other of being intolerant.  And then worse happens. They indulge in deadly affairs.  I would like to comment over this thing in three steps. 1)       Being Intolerant to wrong. 2)       Right conduct. 3)       Proper Understanding. Let’s discuss these one by one:- ·          BEING INTOLERANT TO WRONG In great Indian epic legend “Mahabharta”, Pandavas were the tolerant siblings. They tolerated every masquerade of their evil