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Showing posts from April, 2023

The Elephant Whisperers : A Review

The Elephant Whisperers is a heartwarming and touching documentary film that captures the essence of the relationship between elephants and humans. The film explores the bond between two orphaned elephants and their caretakers Bomann and Bellie, who are tribal people living in the forests of Tamil Nadu. It is a story of love, dedication, and sacrifice that highlights the important role humans can play in the conservation and protection of wildlife. The film begins with the introduction of Raghu, a sick baby elephant who is found by Bomann and Bellie in the forest. Despite the odds against him, Raghu manages to survive, thanks to the care and nurturing provided by the two caretakers. We see the progression of Raghu from a weak and fragile baby to a healthy and playful elephant who loves playing football with Bomann and follows his every command like a child. As the story unfolds, we are introduced to Bellie, who shares her tragic story of losing her husband to a tiger attack in the fore